The EduData Podcast

Is College Actually Getting Cheaper? Breaking Down Surprising Tuition Trends

Episode Summary

In this episode of The EduData Podcast, Timothy Davis and Jamie Boggs take a closer look at recent data from the College Board’s "Trends in College Pricing and Student Aid" report. Is the cost of higher education really as overwhelming as we've been led to believe, or has inflation adjusted tuition actually declined over the years? They discuss the surprising insights about net tuition trends, rising non-tuition expenses, and how this shift could change the way students, parents, and institutions think about college affordability.

Episode Notes

In this episode of The EduData Podcast, Timothy Davis and Jamie Boggs take a closer look at recent data from the College Board’s "Trends in College Pricing and Student Aid" report. Is the cost of higher education really as overwhelming as we've been led to believe, or has inflation adjusted tuition actually declined over the years? They discuss the surprising insights about net tuition trends, rising non-tuition expenses, and how this shift could change the way students, parents, and institutions think about college affordability. 

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